Friday, December 13, 2013

Writer's Choice

Aloha nou. this time we have been given a free hand at typing what ever we feel like conveying  in assignment. I would like to touch on the subject that one of my classmates mentioned in his post for his blog.
I feel apprehensive about some of my schoolmate's success in the culinary field. I would love to believe that we all will attain some form of notoriety as professionals. It must be understood that not all persons are destined to be famous, but with emphasizing on hard work and diligent effort in this craft, the truly outstanding students will rise to the top. 
I have mentioned to many people that the only place where success comes before work, is in the dictionary. 
there seems to be a lack of educating in real world situations. Students speak of papers that must be handed in, or one plate that was presented in their minds as perfect, not many conversions are centered around the real life of line cooks. The industry can be brutal to those who do not possess a thick skin. It seems that many are under the impression that once they enter the culinary field, they will be transform into the most 
notable of Chefs on the strip. 
There seems to be a lack of comprehending that the culinary industry is like all other industries, one has to work their way up the ladder to become the one in charge. The ones that possess the gift of creativity above and beyond the average cook will be the star of the future, maybe. Self confidence is an extremely potent 
weapon to achieve success, but also has to be some form of humility to ground someone from the facade of
being greater than their abilities can support. Shoot for the stars, if you miss, you might hit the moon.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sous Vide

Aloha nou everyone. Here I go with another entry in my school assignment.  Today I will bring up the subject of Sous Vide cooking.
There are some in the culinary world that insist sous vide cooking is not cooking, I am of the opinion that as long as the meal is prepared properly, why is one style not worthy of praise over another.  Cooking is an individual enterprise that showcases one's skills.  Some individuals talents are of greater experience over others, but that does not diminish the value of the time and effort executed in the delivery of a superb meal.
There are all sorts of cooks, from short order, to sushi, to fine dining cooks.  No one style is superior to the other forms. In my case, why can I not employ sous vide in my particular stance on serving food.  In theory, a piece of seafood can be submerged in the heated liquid for an extended period of time without loosing moisture.
For those not familiar with the sous vide form of cooking,  it is when an ingredient is vacuum sealed and placed in a warm water bath until a desired temperature is reached. Seafood is an extremely popular item in Asian cooking. I would make a sauce and fill the plastic bag used for storing the item to be cooked, place a fillet of fish in the same bag,  seal it, and submerge it in the water until it ready to be served.
Seafood is not the only protein or even food item that can be prepared sous vide.  Any food can be served this way as long as the cook knows the proper temperature he or she needs to reach.  Poaching would be the equivalent of sous vide.  Poaching is one the main cooking techniques agreed upon.  This is another fusing of old and new  in modern times.
As with most new ideas, there is a reluctance to incorporate new with old.  In our profession, we as cooks must keep current and  ever evolving to be relevant.  Confusion of Fusion with Sous Vide.  .